Receive your rates correspondence by email
Property owners in the Kingborough Council area can now register an email address and 'Opt In' to receive their Rates correspondence electronically.
With the increased cost of postage and longer delivery times, this service will provide a faster, more reliable, and environmentally friendly alternative to paper copies.
By opting in for electronic delivery of information:
- Future Rates correspondence will be sent as an Adobe PDF to your nominated email address.
- You will no longer receive a physical copy by regular post.
To Opt-In
- You will need a copy of your Rates notice to enter some details to verify the property details.
- Complete the online form below
- We will send a confirmation email to verify your email address. You will need to follow the link in the email to complete your registration.
- A separate online form is required for each property that is owned within the Kingborough Council area.